Hi there everyone , welcome back to my blog which I have badly neglected of late I do have a reason , I have had major surgery which took a while to recover from and I have not felt well enough to work on the blog . However I am back now and it is a very special day to come back as the lovely people from PaperArtsy are releasing lots of new goodies , with lots of informative stuff , on their blogsite tonight . I consider myself very fortunate to have four new sets of stamps which have been made by PaperArtsy and which are being revealed tonight . I thought that I would show some of the pictures of the samples that I have made , on the blog tonight . I am only going to show the pictures because the instructions that go with the pictures are on the PaperArtsy website and do not need repeating here .
The pictures are set out showing how each
sample was made in a sequence of four or five
pictures . The final picture is the finished project .
This first project is from stamp plate EEB05.
This piece of work is from EB06 .
This creation is made using stamps from EEB04.
Finally this item is made using stamps from EEB03 .I hope you enjoy the pictures and the finished designs and if you are interested to know more please visit the PaperArtsy website .
I hope to be back soon to share some more pieces of artwork with you .